A Quake III Arena TDM 1.16n Clan
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Divine Spawns (site design by Kate)

Divine Spawns (site design by Kate) - Registration Agreement Terms

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Being a DS member is one thing, but behaving like one is another. Here is a list of rules we expect our members to obey in order for them to be allowed to play on our servers. These rules apply to everyone regardless of their rank and faillure to comply will result in appropriate punishment. If you see a member misbehaving don't hesitate to report him or her to the Admin team. This can be done on the forums .:Dignity and Honor:.As a bearer of the DS tag, everything you do or say in games, be it on our own servers or those of others, will reflect back on us as a clan. As a member, you represent our entire clan and we want, of course, to look good.We do NOT tolerate any type of racist or sexist abuse and if caught, you will be permanently banned from using our servers. Also refrain from directly insulting other players. Expressing frustration is a normal, healthy thing to do, but don't let it get personal or it will result in a kick, or if it continues, a ban. Treat people with respect so you may be treated with respect in return. In the end, it is just a game anyway..:Clan Loyalty:.Clan exclusivety is one of the main requirements for joining as you know by now. Make sure you are not in any other clan when you apply to join Divine Spawns.You are free to play on other servers but we do expect you to play under your BC tag. This shows loyalty to the clan, which is something we hold high in respect. Of course we would like to see in our own servers most of the time, and you would do well to promote these servers when playing somewere else (keep in mind that some servers don't allow this though)..:Member Identity:.As said in the 'requirements and guidelines', all new members should change their nicknames so they match in both their Quake profile and the xfire profile. These nicknames must always start with the letters .When setting up your new nickname, refrain from using unnecesary space, brackets and special characters as these may not be readable to some players and may cause confusion. Keep your name free of any offensive words.Due to the limited amount of usable characters, it could happen that your original nickname does not fit after the adding of 'DS TAG'. In this case you can simply change your nickname to something that does fit; our Admins will know it is you.All of this allows our Admins to keep track of your standing within the clan more easily. A player's kill-count is constantly recorded by the good people of Gametracker.com. Changing your name will result in the resetting of this kill-count so think before you make or change your nickname.If you do decide to change your nickname you would do well to inform a member of our Inner Council [needs link to explaination of IC] first. This member can then post a news item informing the other clan members of your new nickname..:Starting Rank:.When you join the Divine Spawn Clan, you will initailly be ranked as 'Trial Member'. This rank, or rather status, will remain until you have met all the criteria needed detailed on this page and the 'Join' page.Members with the 'Trial Member' status will not be able to participate in the Scrims, and possibly parts of the forum. As soon as all the 'paperwork' is in order your rank will become "Full Member' and you can now start posting on the afore mentioned forums, Scrims. You can also begin climbing the rank ladder from this point on..:Cheating:. Server bandwidth is a precious commodity. Players and members alike or NOT allowed to use cheats on our server. Doing so anyway can and will result in you being kicked from the server, banned, which may result in you being demoted to a lower rank or even have your membership to the clan revoked. also on the forum there are 2 sections for cheaters in our server, 1 for suspected cheaters, & charged cheaters. use these board's wisely & please know what you are doing..:Chatting in Game:. Quake offers two functions that allow you to chat with other players in game. The default setting for chatting to the entire room is pressing the 'T' on your keyboard. Pressing 'E' (or key of your choice) on your keyboard will open the team-only chat. Use these functions only for game related messaging, such as asking where another player is located, or planning strategies.Spamming messages unrelated to the game will earn you a warning. Continuïng this will result in you being kicked from the server.If you do feel the need to chat to a player about things not related to the game you should invite them to an off-game chatting program. Please do not bother other people with personal conversations. .:Staying Informed:.It is your duty as a member to stay informed on clan news and events so that you are always up to date on recent developements. You can do so by reading the forums frequently, which is where the bulk of this information can be found..:Account Inactivity:.Make sure to show your face once in a while. Members who have been inactive for more than 30 days may find themselves kicked from the clan. We like our members to visit frequently so we know you are still involved with the clan. If you are kicked for being inactive for more than 30 days, you will not be notified.We understand of course, if you have things going on in your personal life, such as school, which is keeping you from getting in the game. You can email or PM any of our Admins on the forums and tell them of your situation so we know you are still interested in being in the clan but simply don't have the time to play.